Missionary work is hard sometimes but the show must go on! |
The Roque family was baptized! It was so incredible and the spirit was so strong.
I am so grateful that I got to see their conversion and be part of it. Their testimonies blow me away. I also got to sing How Great Thou Art. I told them it was my testimony in a song and I DIDN"T EVEN SOUND LIKE A GOAT!!! I just put all my heart into it, because it truly has become my testimony.
I am so happy that I am a missionary. Honestly it is so hard! So hard! And sometimes I almost want to give up, but then we have moments with people like this and the hard times don't seem so hard anymore. It makes it all worth it. And the spirit we felt when they were confirmed was beyond description.
We have another baptism this Saturday. Her name is Melanie and it has taken her a long time to get to this point, but she is fully converted. You can hear it in her testimony and see it in her countenance. She has asked me to sing at her baptism too but I don't know what to sing. Probably How Firm a Foundation. That would be a good one and it is so special to me as well. I love music and I am glad people enjoy it when I sing. It makes me feel really good.
We went to the temple today, which, as always, was incredible and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Sister de la Cruz was sick most of last week so our work was not fantastic, but it was still enjoyable for the most part. It really picked up this week with us working better as a team. Our leaders are really pushing us to open our mouths and talk to everyone. Last week and on several other occasions sister de la cruz has just picked someone and said ok you go talk to them. This really frustrates me because if I don't do it the way she thinks it should be done she gets angry and won't talk to me. Well, I told her that and she didn't even realize that she did that. And these past two days I have just initiated conversations with people. I feel so uncomfortable doing it, but we made a goal and I need to do my part or I can't blame her for being upset with me. AND DON"T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY! Don't think she is awful. She is really great. I am just stubborn and still learning. I would get frustrated being my companion.
I will have you all know I gave another talk on Sunday. This was about unity in the branch and the need for home and visiting teachers.
Sister Brittany Nichole Newman